Counselling learners There are various ways of measuring learners' progress. Whichever method you choose, you should take time out to counsel your learners. Counselling involves talking through their strengths and weaknesses. It is an interactive process in which they are able to say how they feel about their learning, the course, and their teacher. Why counselling is important Traditionally, learners take courses, tests are set and marks are given. This is a fairly linear process. Counselling allows assessment to become more dynamic and interactive. It also gives learners a sense of ownership over the assessment process. By giving learners the chance to open up and talk about the state of their learning, you help avoid sudden unexplained dropouts, who perhaps feel that the course has passed them by. It may highlight strengths and weaknesses in your own teaching, so it is a chance for you to obtain feedback as a teacher as well. Structure Counselling is not a matter of simply sit...